For all specific info, please refer to our wonderfully detailed Newsletters by Joanne Collins under the Membership Heading
General Meeting
April 11, 2025
PGM Michelle & Marcie Bhutan- India
Welcome New Members
Jan Murphy
Peggy Jensen
Peggy has already signed up to participate in the Reciprocal Orlando Workshop
Thank you, Peggy. That's exactly the way to start. Jump right in !!!
Friendship Force, an international travel and cultural exchange club, provides you opportunities to meet people across the world on a personal basis. Members of over 360 Friendship Force chapters in 70 countries visit one another staying in each other's homes sharing meals, conversation and experiences for one week. The host chapter arranges activities for the visiting chapter but it's more about faces than places. Experience Different Views. Discover Common Ground.
Click to visit Friendship Force International
The Friendship Force Name Explained Friendship Force Terminology
Frequently Asked Questions Florida Friendship Force Chapters
To learn more about Southwest Florida Friendship Force including articles about our travel and hosting experiences click About Us in the Navigation Bar at the top of the screen. Click on Newsletters to read our Newsletters. Investigate Southwest Florida by clicking Southwest Florida. For a membership application click on Membership.
Members - Access the the expense reimbursement form, meeting minutes and other information in the Membership section.
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